Hailing originally from India, Gita Varadarajan is another talented author that will be at the Lexington Book Festival. Although Varadarajan claims to have never been much of a writer growing up, she has written a wide variety of publications for readers of all ages that aim to celebrate and embrace diversity and differences in identities. With works such as “My Saree,” a sweet story of a girl taking pride in her Indian culture with her saree and “Save Me a Seat,” a story about a newly-immigrated student named Ravi who is looking to fit into his all-American school, Varadarajan is looking to educate and foster a healthier environment for many children through literature and the art of humorous yet profound storytelling.
I love visiting schools to talk to kids about writing, reading, story telling, and living the author's life. I offer both in-person and virtual visits for K-8 students. During my in-person visits I usually offer 2-3 large group sessions (assemblies) and a writing workshop for about 20-25 students. The sessions will vary depending on the age and grade level of the students. The fee will depend on the size, duration, location, and other needs of the school/ community.
If you are interested in scheduling an author visit, please send in a request by filling in the form in the contact link.